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Emergency Preparedness
Grade 1-12 Curriculum


The Michigan Model for HealthTM Emergency Preparedness Grade 1-12 curriculum is a comprehensive and sequential set of lesson plans and activities designed to be taught as a supplement to the Michigan Model for Health K-12 core curriculum. The purpose of these lessons and activities is to provide educators with the tools to teach students how to prevent, protect, respond and recover from natural and manmade disasters by empowering students with the knowledge and skills to make smart decisions before, during and after an incident.

Curriculum includes:
  • Grade 1-6 - four to six lessons at each grade level that can be taught within a short period of time or spread out over the school year.
  • Grade 7-12 - thirty activities from which school educators can choose from and each activity is about twenty minutes in length that can be integrated into many different content areas.
Product purchasing options:
  • Digital option includes a 2-year subscription length with unlimited curriculum updates and online access to teacher lessons and resources (PDF and MS PowerPoint).
  • Flash Drive with teacher lessons and resources (PDF and MS PowerPoint).

Item Price Quantity
Digital $30.00
Flashdrive $30.00

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